dream sequence, contd.
I had another someone is trying to kill me dream. This one was weirder than usual though, and this time my attacker was a woman dressed in white riding a black horse. I remember the contrast between colours was so vivid and bright.

I tried to hurt the woman in white first by kicking her or something, and she started galloping after me with knives.

I just shut the door on her, and then I woke up, the dream didn't go any further. I was kinda pissed I woke up because I really wanted to see what I was going to do.

I havent had this dream in quite awhile, I had actually thought I was over it. The best dreams occur when you sleep for an over abundant amount of time. How I would love to sleep for a good...twelve or so hours...waking up softly then drifing off back in to sleep over and over again, paying little detail to the sunbeams as they silently walk across your bed.

Not tonight though, for I have to work at six tomorrow morning. I will probably get about four good hours of sleep, but thats totally doable for an eight hour shift.

Anyways...I think all the dreams symbolize are conflicts I'm having in real life. It seems there is constant confict I am faced with, but the current conflict is much more meaninfully meaningless. I feel so guilty, but I am only human, without happiness you woulnt' feel sorrow, and without comfort you wouldn't feel lonliness.

What can I say...I told you how it would be, and how I felt. If youre gonna play with fire, your gonna get burned.

!<-- - -->?

August 31, 2004 - 9:03 pm