My first manifesto, or declaration.
I think bunnies is one of my favourite words. If the word bunnies could be felt it would be plump and as soft as anything could possibly be, with a shiny appearance thats smooth as silk.
I never have believed in this sort of thing, but I fell in love tonight. It looks so weird to see those words on my computer screen. Diary, I am telling you this in the most devoted and sincere form of trust.
We smoked a blunt of the most beautiful weed I have ever seen, or damn close too it. He had the grateful dead on the radio. He has long brown hair that is beautiufl and well kept and in a long-ish pontail.

It's not eighties hair band long either, it is exactly the perfect lenth that long hair should be on a boy.
He has a beard. Before I go too hard into his appearance, he has a dog living in his car. This dog is the most wonderfully well behaviouved dog as I have ever seen. She's got such a personitly.
And he has the most wonderful personality, this sounds vain, but he is exactly like me, and I was only with him for about an hour.

I was driving home through the country, bye myself now, and I felt like I got slapped in the forehead. I said out loud -"I am in love"-. And then I realized it was true, and it is with Jared.

I am scared. I want to delete this all, and not claim its true.
And then I realized that I am in love with someone else, I am in love with Donny. These two guys are as different from each other as night and day, and fire is water.
I literally felt like I was being smacked in the forehead. To be fucking corny about it, and since its so close to valentines day, I was shot smack in the center of my brain with cupids arrow.
I feel like I've just had an orgasm of knowing, an orgasm in my mind only.
He hasn't a job and he lives with his parents and I've been shot with the arrow. He does have a car. I wish love could've asked me first, I would've told her the boy had to have a job and an apartment, but the car is a point in his favor.
I am independent. I need my space, I need time to myself. It sounds so greedy because I'm scared, but it's true. I don't know if I can split my life with another human being. Ian told me, "To really be serious about someone the first step is moving in together".
I wonder, does love feel like this to everyone? I've never felt like this before. thats all humans can do, assume everyone is like them. That was a scraping attempt to quote George Steinbeck, from the book The Winter of Our Discontent.
I've also realized I can truly say I love myself. It has taken a long time to come to this milestone. It has taken twenty two years, three hundred and fifty nine days, and some minutes and some seconds.
I talked to my nanny today, she asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said "no". She said "whose that boy that drives the red truck?" I said, "that is brian".
"that brian is cute!"
"Yes, he is very cute, he could be a model even, but he is an idiot"
a bit of shock crossed her face then.
She told me, "Looks can be deceiving".
I am in love with both a long haird bearded sweater wearing hippie and a two hundred and sixty pound weighlifter sports fanatic.
If love were tangible, it would be a globe with uneven spikes coming from the surface. Sharp in a dull sort of way, one very sharp one per every sixteen dull ones. The Center of the spear would be just like a bunny, minus the organs and appendages and spirit and all that.
I've now been sitting here for fifty seven minutes, neglecting burning cigarettes, writing and thinking.

Thank you diary, I'm so glad I could tell you this. You're the only one that knows.

!<-- - -->?

02.05.2005 - 01:46