your just moving your mouth
oh my goodness, i just gossiped with the neighbor punk across the street. hahaha...its a guilty pleasure of mine, i love gossip with a mo-fauking passion. so we were sitting there and i casually brought up some shit about the other neighbors and he told me the scoop about when C got arrested. The neighbor punk was there that night, C beat the shit out of one of the twenty something year old girls.

so i'm glad that fucker is in jail, fuck that...he punched her in the face.

Thats the gossip.

Theres this girl who's diary i once read, she is gone now. I mean, not gone gone, but she left diaryland. I just wonder how she is right now because i'm just kinda worried about her. She left, and she took all her past with her, and i just really hope she is doing okay.

And that's that.

I just realized that when i write this shit, i usually totally neglect the rules of the english language and I think I always use too many commas. That's so lazy...or maybe its just free, i dont know. I feel like I'm putting a piece of myself forever imprinted here, the piece flows effortletlessly. When I write something in real life, a letter or a note or directions or something, I write with damn near perfect usage of the english language, am I making shit up or is that called grammar. Yeah, it must be grammar. Anyways I still probably add too many commas, but every comma is in place and every apostrophe is at home, every T is crossed and every i has a slashed dot-point. Like I'm scratching the eyes (i's...ha) right out of the paper.

and thats that.

!<-- - -->?

July 04, 2004 - 10:29 pm