what the hell is a rapeseed
I'm addicted to cutting, I think I need help. Evertime I go into the bathroom I see the scissors and immediately grab them. A little cut here won't hurt, a little cut there won't hurt.

The thing is, by the time I'm through, I'm scared I won't have any hair left on my head to snip away. I can now sort of relate to the trichotillomaniacs of the world.

Hairspray is my friend again, the green sparkly hairgel is back in business. I was trying to squeeze some out yesterday and it accidently exploded all over my dog. Poor guy. He had spiked hair for a bit.

I love this new hair. A brand spankin' new haircut evokes feelings inside of me that nothing else can.

!<-- - -->?

July 13, 2004 - 12:23 pm