a trip to the vets office
I just took my dog to the vet, this sounds like an easy task to accomplish but let me tell you, no it's not. There were no other dogs in the waiting room when we got there so it was cool. He had to be weighed but he didn't want to be weighed so he slipped out of his collar and ran back to the waiting room. I chased him down and had to pick his 87 pound ass up and flop him onto the scale. Good, the weighing is done.
We get to the vets office room and the vet tech petted him and he pissed all over the floor. He sat in the chair meant for humans. THe vet came in and he pissed on the floor some more. So he took his shots like a champ and we were done, I just had to pay and talk to the vet tech about his ear medicine.
This meant going back to the waiting room and now there were two other dogs in there and three other humans. First he jumped on the petite woman in blue and almost knocked her over. I apolgized profusely because my dog is a completely undisciplined asshole.
Then my dog decided he wanted to play with the other two dogs in the waiting room, one was a tiny little puppy and the other was a big german shepherd type. My dog does not listen to me at all, I cant tell him to sit and expect him to do it. So he fought the leash the entire time trying to get to the dogs.
The woman in blue was really pissed off and she said "KEEP YOUR DOG AWAY FROM MY DOG" real bitchy like, so I pulled on the leash to get him away. All this was happening while the vet tech was trying to tell me about the medicine.
I was flustered.
My dog kept going for the german shepherd and the woman told me again in the bitchy voice and I cursed her, said "I'm really fucking trying here" and at the time it was really horrible and embarassing. Finally I got the shit paid for and we got the hell out of there. I walked him around the vets yard and he ran directy into a burr bush and got himself and the leash covered in sticky burrs. I got him into the car and called him a horrible asshole and then I just started laughing because it was hilarious, he is such a little punk.

!<-- - -->?

September 28, 2004 - 5:43 pm