very charismatic
So it's settled, I'm not calling him. Actually, I just did try to call him and he didn't fucking answer. AND, get this shit, he came into my job today and said "did you leave me a note on my car?" I'm like, "no, why, do you have a secret admirer?" and he says, "yeah, thats what the note said, huh huh huh, you really didn't leave it?" "huh huh, it must be somebody at the gym."
He is driving me absouletly insane, but in a good way. I am so totally turned on by this and that is so very sad yet so very exciting. He's got the little game of hard to get absolutely perfected goddamnit, and it makes me want him even more, and that is WHAT HE WANTS.
I've got so much energy in me right now I wnat to run through my house and do handsprings and I don't even know how to do handsprings.
Today he told me he wanted to move to santa monica and live on the beach just so that he could smell the salty air every day, and he would walk around the beach in a thong.
I said what, you wears thongs?
he said no he didn't, but he did wear a thong once and it was a womans thong. He told me he had a womans panty fetish in college and one night he put the thong on and a wifebeater and he walked around in front of the six guys that shared the bathroom in his dorm room.
I said wow donny, your such a fuckin' stud. And then he blushed. He actually blushed.

!<-- - -->?

October 06, 2004 - 5:08 pm