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The Chad
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Hey, i just realized, this time last year i was writing you a letter and crying, and you were in st.louis, smokin your last cigs. Congrats marine, 1 year accomplished
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When causually speaking to someone of a causual group of people, someone I dislike and someone in my house, when there's only three people in the group, I vary rarely make eye contact with the aforementioned person. It's just downright rude, and that's why I do it. Fuck her, she is such a whore, and I know it, and she knows that I know it though I've never actaully said it. And she interrupts when she has absolutely nothing important to say, so I just start talking louder. At first I let her interrupt but now I do not, and that is one of the few times I will use eye contact until she is forced to look away from me because she knows I can see her soul. It's Ian's girlfriend. He is my best friend and I'm scared to lose him.

!<-- - -->?

10.14.2004 - 21:28