My friend clint is a deerhunter and yesterday he told me a deer hunting story. He was up in this...damn...tree stand, and this guy walked over to him and said "get outta my tree stand!" and he was strapped. Clint said "no way, this is my property!" then the guy aimed his gun at clint and told him he would shoot him if he didn't leave the stand. The dude was fuckin' psycho, and he had three other shotguns. So clint was scared so he climbed down and ran away.
So the guy followed him and pulled out a handgun and threated to shoot him or something, and clints dad called the cops and the cops got there and arrested the guy because of the handgun.
I said, what about the right to bear arms? why did they arrest him?
And I cant remember what clint said, but I think it's illegal to carry a handgun without a holster or something. I don't know the gun laws, I don't own guns, I've never shot a gun or a rifle. I've learned you can't call an M16 a gun if your talking to a marine because they are not guns, they are rifles.

Anyways, I was driving home from work, going about sixty five mph, and there was a goddamn deer standing in the oncoming traffic lane, just standing there, it was a buck I think because it had antlers. It was slow motion, I remember bracing my arms because I thought I was going to hit him, but he ran left instead of right. So I drove 40 the rest of the way home.

I have seven hours OT this week, was supposed to leave at four today but someone called in so I stayed until seven. I don't think I would of made it except stevo loaded a bowl and we smoked it in the bathroom. It makes me hyper, and calm, and happy, and afterwards mentally tranquil. It's a fuckin' miracle drug, I swear to god. And I can do that, swear to god.

!<-- - -->?

11.11.2004 - 19:26