I am such a hermit sometimes
I got off work tonight at ten thirty, then I went to the video store and rented the first two seasons of sex and the city (and I bought some gummy worms).
I then arrived at my house, armed with a large diet pepsi and half a pack of cigarettes, walked in the door, and without turning on any lights, got undressed and redressed.
I then went to each and every window and closed each and every set of blinds, then after making sure no light from the inside of the house could make its way visible to any eye on the outside of the house, I turned on the television.
I popped in season one and watched the first six episodes, four cigarettes and an empty bag of gummy worms later I have developed an immense craving for chinese food and intense desire to learn how to walk gracefully in heels.

Well, the desire is not that intense, really...I hate heels, because, I don't know...If I'm in a position where I need to run, I want to be in shoes capable of running gracefully. And, I may be able to learn how to walk in heels gracefully, but I know I never want to have to run in them. So fuck em'.

!<-- - -->?

11.13.2004 - 01:33