jager bombs
My friend Ian and I just did some Jager-bombs. If you don't know, you get a can of
red bull and pour it in a glass, preferably a collins, and then you get a shot glass
full of jagermeiter, you drop the shot into the glass of redbull and then you pound the drink.
I did three of those,
and I did two more shots with a diet coke chaser.
He is moving fourty miles away to live with the mother of his daughter, and I'm so dissappointed.
I despise her.
His and her family thinks they should be together, just because they have a child together, but I don't necessarilly believe in that. They are wrong for each other, and he is going to sleep around, and they are going to fight, and the baby is going to hear it, and I just don't think it's going to be a very good environment.
But who am I to talk, if I was to get pregnant I would more than likely get an abortion.
"What doesn't kill us can only make us stronger."
I belive it, I don't know who said it, but I believe it.
But I guess that wouldn't apply to the fictional aborted baby, now would it.
I feel powerfull as a woman right now.

!<-- - -->?

11.23.2004 - 23:42