I just took my A.C. apart I"M gonna fix it
Well you left today and I already fuckin' miss you. Actually I missed you an hour after you left.
We played a game of poker about a week ago, six of us all together, it was a special game because Mark from florida was here.
Anyways, the first hand dealt I got a royal flush, spades. A royal flush is the most unprobable hand one could ever get in a game of texas hold 'em.
I ended up winning that game of poker, I knocked out five boys. We snorted some lines that night.
I was awake for over forty hours, it was terrible. I laid down an hour before I went to work, thinking in my head hour power nap, but I didn't wake up until ten in the morning, two and a half hours after my shift is over. No call no show, the first one ever in my life. I got a slap on the wrist and a high five (?) from my manager.
My boyfriend gave me a quarter of dank for thirty dollars. Some would pay 120 for this exact same amount.
He is an alcoholic, I suppose I am too. So his his mom. She drinks every single day, he drinks every single day.
He cannot remember anything. This is a bit of a problem. If he can't remember anything now what is he going to be like when he's fifty. Or 27 for that matter. He's 20.
He is a procrastinator, a dreamer, one with many great ideas but no [WHAT is the WORD!?!] to put them into reality.
He are just the same in that manner

!<-- - -->?

06.24.2005 - 17:56