theres a cure for everything
I was at work this morning and i had an interesting customer. he was a man, probably somewhere around 37 years old. he shuffled in the store, heavily limping. He had a leather coat slung across his back, a white shirt stained with blood, dirty jeans with holes in the knees, and tan workboots, probably steel-toed. one of the boots was brown, im assuming with blood because that was the injured foot.

he had a large gash above his right eye, the streaming blood had dried on his face. his eyes were bloodshot, the skin on one of his cheeks was scraped off his face leaving only a large fleshy red splotch. his arms were in the same condition, it looked like the skin had been burned off.

so he looked pretty rough. i thought he was a homeless guy first, then i realized he was just a drunk. He went straight to the cooler, opened a botttle of pepsi and drank the whole thing without taking a breath. he asked how much he owed for it but i paid for it myself, i told him it was on the house.

I was absolutely wired by this point, i was on coffee #4, so i asked him what the hell happened to him. in those words. he told me he got hit by a car while riding his bicycle, the driver never even stopped.

i dont really know what happened, why should i even believe him, but i swear, it was one of the saddest things ive ever seen. this guy needed serious medical attention. his goddamn foot was broken and he was walking around the town.

his bicycle was still at the bar and he came from the opposite direction of the bar, so i imagine he took off walking from the bar last night and passed out somewhere outside before he could make it to his destination. he woke up this morning, subway was the first place where he could get a drink, then he wanted to fetch his bicycle so he'd be able to ride instead of walk on the broken foot. based on the looks of him though, that bike was demolished.

the accident was his fault, i can almost guarantee it.

i just wanted to help him, just wanted to take him to the hospital. he looked like a construction worker type of guy so i bet he doesnt have health insurance.

so he left the empty pepsi bottle on the table and he set the cap on the counter by the register. it was one of those caps where you can enter a secret code online and win shit. i guess it was my tip. i had so much stuff to do i never went out and picked up that bottle so it sat there all through out lunch and nobody sat at his table.

im not doing shit tonight, obviously, andrea is having a party but i'm not going. i slept for a couple hours after work, then i watched the patriot wearing nothing but a tshirt. i have candles lit in the living room and im just chilling. its nice. it thunderstormed all day and 1400 people in my town lost power for some reason. i was one of them. I woke up sweating my ass off because the air shut off and didnt turn back on when the power came back, thats why im only wearing a tshirt. its nice and cool in here now but im just so comfy. i wish i had some bunny rabbit house slippers.

my cat climbed a tree last night so i had to rescue her. she was about 30 feet up. I pulled myself up onto the lowest branch and just continued upwards from there, inching myself out closer and closer to her. i finally reach her and she's like "meow" and then she layed down, wrapped her arms around the tree trunk and started purring. then she shot off, climbed about twenty feet straight down, then jumped the rest of the way. leaving me standing in the tree like an idiot. it was some funny shit. the whole time my boy cat was watching, talking to me, talking me through it i suppose.

i'm going to take out my contacts and watch saturday night live.

!<-- - -->?

July 03, 2004 - 9:55 pm