orange county is where you belong
I was just talking to this guy that I've know for about four years, but it's only really been an off and on type friendship deal. So he was anguishing about his exgirlfriend and all the problems in the relationship, going on and on.
He let her use him.
So I was like, do you ever pay attention to eye contact? And he was like, what do you mean? And I was like, whoever breaks eye contact first has the less dominant personality.
So then he woulndn't break contact and finally I said, I'm going to look away right now because the fact of the matter has been built up too much, like the joke in pulp fiction.
So I looked away and to the right, upwards.
At first I was the one that held eye contact the longest, but gradually I would look away first. Eventually, the breaking of eye contact was distributed equally throughout the conversation.
I've come to the conclustion that eye contact may determine dominace in a relatioship, but it's respectfull to equally disbtribute the flashing of the eye lashes.
Therfore, dominace and submissivenes must be distributed equally in a relationship for it to really work out.
This man is attractive physically but unattractive intellectually, so he's not really my type. I'm really considering sleeping with him though, just because the sexual tension has always been between us but nothing has ever come of it.
And he really needs some new ass, he's been with the same controlling person for five years. I wonder if he likes to be dominated in bed, or the exact opposite. The latter would be likely I would think, maybe possibly.
Andyways, I have to pee really really bad right now.

!<-- - -->?

October 08, 2004 - 9:08 pm