raven black, whiskey shot, abstract parinting, red frame
I gave this kid, he lives down the street, a lighter the other day. It wasn't like I went up to him and said "hey cody, do you want this zippo?? Here, come on, take it!!"
It was more like " can I have this light4ere?? please? please? please? just let me have it!!
I told him, do not let your parents know you have it, you can show your friends but don't let your par3ents see it. So what does he do, he lets his parents see him with it. He is only ten, but ten year olds are like fourteen year olds nowadays.
his dad came to my house and bitched me out today, and he was really being a dick to me, so I went off on him. And we raised our voices, loudly. It was pouring down rain and I didn't have any shoes on and I stood outside my door, the house with no gutters, and I had words with the man. And rain was pouring off my face, I was hot, I was really pissed off.
I would of never given him the lighter if he wouldn't have already come down to my house with a lighter, a purple one, and I yelled at him because I thoughnt it was mine. But it was his lighter, and I already know he plays with gas anyways because he has caught gas on fire in my back yard before.
Then, that fucking man with the crazy eye, he told me """If cody would of hurt himself with that lighter, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN LIABLE""".
I mean, what the fuck, talking about suing my ass, that is so goddamn american type typical.
"DO NOT walk on my grass, I will sue you! "". People will sue anyone for anything nowadays. I've usee d nowadays twice already, I'm pushin' twenty three, I played atari, back when rainbow brite was cool the first time.
codys parents don't like me because I am weird to them, I guarentee it, its becausue I wear black all the time. I'm not little miss chatty woman, like everyone else on the block. I hate my neighbors, I don['t want to talk to them, not have conversatons with them anyeays, a simple "Hi!" is enough. say hi, be on your merry way.
Thats enough neighbour chat with me.
I am very drunk right now, very drunk indeed. It is so hard to type, I've hit the backsp[ace key more times right now than any time in my life i think.
but I like that bracket, It's alright.

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10.18.2004 - 22:57