October twenty first, 21:58
I just had a staring contest with my dog because he did something bad. It lasted for what seemed like an eternity, until my eyes started getting blurry because they were so dried out, but they were dried out from another source of power.
Eventually he gave up and slinked down to the floor, breaking the contact for just a blink, then he resumed. I kneeled down when he kneeled down, then he walked over and sat, not hyper at all, even though I had just walked in the door. Don't you see this is progess, he does whatever the fuck when he wants, when he wants, he is definetly the alpha being of this house.

I just talked to tj and he told me a story of halloween ghosties, and creepy happenings. Him and his posse sneak around and steal pumpkins from peoples houses, take them home and carve them, then replace them at the correct address. It's the grandest thing i've heard all day long, that and there was a bomb threat at the high school.

I knew there was no bomb, I figured it was just some kid that didn't want to go back to school after the lunch break. They had firetrucks and cops and the roads were blocked off and shit. It was pretty funny. I'm watching the news right now but I probably missed it, its ten fifteen already and the bomb threat was probably the first story they covered on every channel, the news starts at ten.

!<-- - -->?

10.21.2004 - 21:58