We are having an engine hoisting party, complete with bonfire, in my back yard. It's my first time.
I just had seven cars parked at my house, it was crazy. We drove over here in brians truck with a cherry picker (a car engine hoister) in the bed, then someone came over, then someone else pulled up, and so forth, and then poeple left, and then somone new would pull up, and then that someones brother pulled up.
but now they are gone. There was a married one, and he always used to hit on me back in the day, and he still does to this current day, and he's married to someone he talks shit about all the time. He's just a couple years older than I, I think he graduated in ninety six so that would make him....twenty six? I dunno. Anyways, we smoked two bongs. I used to flirt with him madly back then, because he gave me attention, I was too naive to understand that he wanted me as his affair, he wanted me as his object. But I never slept with him, I was too intimidated anyways, and I also had a boyfriend. This was when I was around seventeen, he was around twenty one.
He's the kind of person that will always find something to bitch about every time he eats at at restaurant and every time he stays at a hotel. He always gets free shit and discounts, always, he's very persuasive.

I'm going to a drumming circle on wednesday, hosted by some witches. I've never been to one, I don't even know what we will be doing, but I got invited to go so I am going to go. I hope I don't puss out. I wonder if they are doing it for samhain, its damn near that time. I wrote about this family way way long time ago, a loud majority in this town was giving them shit because they think they are devil worshippers. Stupid.

jesus christ, I just realized I have a car withought a hood sitting in my yeard and theres antifreeze leaking out of it. And anitfreeze is poisionious and delicious to cats, and I have a cat. I've got to get my cat, and lock him in the house.

!<-- - -->?

10.25.2004 - 17:56