yellow star
My brother just left and I'm fuckin' sad. I think I will cry all night, cry until my contacts are so blurry that it looks like my house is full of fog. Damn it, its just so hard to say goodbye to him, I'm sick of saying goodbye to him. At least I got to say hello though, and just being able to say that much makes the goodbye seem like nothing.
He didn't drink very much while he was here, and we hung out really for the first time, just the two of us, just hanging out and it was so great.
He sat at the computer and played everquest and I sat on the loveseat and flipped through the channels, we watched the simpsons together every day after I got home from work, and I made us butterfly pork chops and egg and english muffin sandwiches, and we just talked,
He seems to think he will leave for iraq in february, though he hasnt gotten any orders yet or anything. We went to the movie theater and they had halloween decorateions up still. Three cardboard tombstones in the glass windows, one of them said chad b, R.I.P, and my chad said wow, that is kind of ironic. I didn't know what to say. He thinks he's going to die. We played air hockey and it was intense, he beat me by a point. We drank half pints in the theater, one jack and one crown.
We smoked many black and milds and when he first got here he even ripped a bong, only two hits, then no more for the rest of the time he was here. its out of his system now most likely, though I kind of wish they'd piss test him and it would come up positive. they wouldn't kick him out though, they want their blood and there legs and their trigger fingers. Only put them in rehab probably. Soo depressing, I can't help it.
I had a dream the other night and it was in black and white, I always dream in color. I was at the beach and there was a horrible storm, we were in glass buildings. The storm washed up sand agaist the glass walls, almost like we were being buried alive. It was a verra strange dream indeed.
I voted for the turd. I knew the giant douche was going to win.

!<-- - -->?

11.04.2004 - 19:50