Bang bang, shoot shoot
ONe of the best memories I have while my brother was here: Waking up for work at five am on friday morning and hearing his television set, first being a little pissed cause he was still awake and I was going to work, then creeping into his room to find him asleep with cartoons on tv.

Okay so, about two weeks ago Ian was here taking the engine out of his car. It was nighttime and it was raining. It was the second day my brother was home and there were a couple people here. Five, discounting Ian, my brother, and I.
My mother came over, drunk off her ass, and wanted to drink with my brother. She bought him two cases of beer and proceeded to get even more drunk off her ass. I hate my mom when she is drunk, so I was glad Ian was here and we were busy in the backyard. I tracked mud all throughout the house that night.
Anyways, my mom brought over this bushcheney hat because I guess she wanted to give it to my brother, because she left it here. I saw it and threw it somewhere, disgusted it was inside my house.
It popped up again yesterday and I threw it behind my dining room table, then my dog found it and started ripping the shit out of it. He has carried it around all day long, destroying it, and I think it's rather funny.
I don't give the dog enough credit, he's pretty smart after all.

!<-- - -->?

11.08.2004 - 17:31