hashi means chopsticks
Today a man nicknamed "skeeter" asked me out and I turned him down, I lied and told him I was seeing someone. He freaks me out, he always comes to my workplace when I'm there by myself. he's gotta be at least fifty.
He told me I would make a good wife, that was his first mistake. He's about six foot seven and skinny as a rail, he drives a badass firebird, and I put horrid images of his feet in my head everytime I think about him.
I imagine they are huge and bony and hairy, and his second toes are bigger than his big toes. yeck.
And this is whats creepy. I found a note inside one of my coat pockets, it was all like "we should go out sometime, you are hot and you have a sexy ass. Love, George Simpton"

So I have no idea who this george fellow is, I have no idea how the note got in my coat pocket.
I don't know if skeeter is george, and if skeeter is george, how in the hell did he get that note in my coat pocket.

So, thank you in japanese is "domo arigato" or that might mean thank you very much, I don't know. I have been saying it a lot and teaching people how to say it. Learned it from kill bill.
Well today I was lying in my bed and a car pulled up outside. tHey had the radio turned up real loud and that song, Mr. roboto was playing. They say domo arigato mr. roboto over and over again.
It was ironically strange, and who exactly drives around blasting Mr. Roboto out of their speakers?

!<-- - -->?

11.28.2004 - 16:28